The Pop Art King

The American artist was a famous leader in the art movement called Pop Art. He merged advertising, celebrities and an artistic vision to create his world famous pieces, he stood out from the crowd because no one had ever done that before. 

Warhol was an artist, producer and director, meaning he used a range of different medias in his artwork. From painting and silk screening, to film, photography and sculpture. 

This silkscreen print (Marilyn Diptych, 1962) is one of Andy Warhol’s most notorious paintings. He silk screened a photograph of Marilyn Monroe fifty times on canvas, to capture the legendary icon.

Marilyn Diptych 1962 by Andy Warhol 1928-1987

Although he started off as a successful commercial illustrator, he was recognised as an influential and scandalous artist in the 1950s when he exhibited his work in many galleries. He had a studio in New York, know as The Factory, that brought together people from all walks of life, from Drag Queens to Hollywood celebrities. He is also memorable for being a gay man who lived openly before the gay liberation movement. 

The ‘Grevy’s Zebra’ from the Endangered Species Portfolio (below) is one of my favourite Warhol prints. The bright blue background and neon yellow trim around the zebra,enhance the beauty of this elegant animal. I love how the colourful line work accentuates the Zebra’s natural stripes. By doing this piece Andy Warhol brought attention to the magnificent animals that are in danger, I think this was a very good way of using his influence for a good purpose. 


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